1. Projects
  2. Croméyeuï Café

Croméyeuï Café

Lighting That Enhances Alpine Charm

In the heart of Courmayeur, the Croméyeuï Café has opened its doors, reviving the tradition of the historic Café of the Alpine Guides Society while preserving the authentic mountain atmosphere. The project, led by Federico Péaquin and Benedetta Vago, focuses on delivering a high-quality sensory experience, from the selection of local ingredients to the careful design of the interiors, where lighting plays a key role.

The lighting design features LED products from Ivela, combining recessed downlight spotlights for a soft, elegant glow and track-mounted projectors to highlight architectural details and design elements. This solution ensures both efficient and atmospheric lighting, enhancing the wooden interiors and the most charming corners, such as the communal table and the library dedicated to mountaineering literature.

Balancing visual comfort and sustainability was a key objective: the selected LED fixtures provide a warm and welcoming illumination, ideal for creating an intimate and cozy ambiance while ensuring significant energy savings.
